How To Find Motivation To Declutter and Organize Your Home

Brightly colored children's snacks neatly organized in bamboo bins and on low open shelves

Get motivated to hire a professional organizer, or to DIY declutter, your Charlotte & Raleigh, NC spaces with our tips and inspiration!

Decluttering and organizing your home has so many benefits, but also can feel overwhelming and can easily keep working its way down to the bottom of your to do list. You might be aware that you need to get organized, are feeling the strain of having too many belongings and not being able to find anything. Maybe you find yourself buying duplicates of what you already own because you can’t find what you already have and clutter in your home has taken over. Perhaps you haven’t had anyone over recently because disorganization is all around and you don’t feel comfortable with friends and family seeing the current state of your home. Searching for things may be taking time away from what you would really like to be doing with your time, as well as reducing your productivity. Even though you know things will be better after you get your home sorted and streamlined, you might be having a tough time finding the motivation to get the process started, whether that is hiring a professional organizer to come in and do the organizing for you or DIY-ing your organizational project yourself. I am here to tell you there is hope for getting over this hump! I have outlined some simple steps to get you fired up about getting organized and to take action.


First let’s talk about the benefits of living in an organized and decluttered home.


Even though most of our clients don’t realize it when they first reach out to us, their main motivation for getting organized is that they want to FEEL differently in their space. They are yearning for calm in their lives and to reduce stress. They want more time for what matters most and the space to enjoy life. They long to feel more in control of their life and physical environment. A decluttered and organized home can set the stage for more positive relationships with family and friends and increase connection with the important people in your life and community. Feeling good in your space is so important and can trickle down into all areas of your life. Imagine how your life would feel if you had the mental clarity of knowing where everything is in your space. When your belongings are organized, and each item has a home, it allows for you to feel calm and relaxed, as well as reduces stress and fatigue. Along with this comes feeling a sense of increased energy, creativity and productivity and the ability to identify and prioritize the most important people and activities in your life.


The editing process makes it possible to get clear on the items that are essential in your life. This doesn’t mean that you need to become a minimalist or that a professional organizing company will force you to get rid of your belongings. By focusing on keeping only the things in your life that you truly need, love and use you will create more physical and mental space in your life that will lead to a sense of ease. Knowing what you need in your life, and also being able to find these items, will prevent you from spending money on duplicate items that lead to more clutter. Adopting this mindset and asking if you need, love or will use an item that you are considering purchasing in the future will also help avoid impulse buys and keep your home streamlined, organized and simple.


Once your belongings have been edited down to only what you need, love and use there will not only be more physical space in your home, but also visual simplicity. This allows your most important and special belongings the space to stand out and be highlighted in your home while not having to compete for visual appreciation with the clutter of things that you no longer need. Styling the spaces in your home with organizing products that complement your personal style helps create a cohesive look. At Simplify Studio Professional Organizing, we believe that if your space looks and feels good, you will be more motivated to maintain the organizational systems that we create for our clients in Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina.


Living an organized lifestyle means maintaining the systems that have been set up during the organizing process. Establishing healthy habits to keep your home organizational systems intact will also influence other areas of your life by creating rhythm and routine. If you have children, the professional organizing process can help them develop life long healthy habits that they carry with them through life.



The first step in finding motivation to organize and declutter your home is to identify your “why”. Getting clear on your reasons for wanting an organized space will carry you through when the process gets overwhelming. A tip to find your “why” is to focus on the feeling that you want to have once your space is organized. Some examples of feelings that being organized can create are calm, centered, content, happy, relieved, excited, hopeful, optimistic, proud, energized, productive.  Try to have fun exploring the feelings that you want your space to elicit and let your imagination transform the space in your mind. Then ask how you are feeling when you imagine what your space could be once it is clean, clutter free, organized and styled.


It is important to put some thought into why you want to have an organized and decluttered home. This will help you prioritize the spaces that you want to organize first, as well as give you a starting point and strategy. Some frequent organizing motivations we see with our Simplify Studio Professional Organizing clients in Charlotte and Raleigh, North Carolina are as follows:

    1. CLEAN AND ORGANIZED - reduce clutter so your house is easier to clean and keep neat.

    2. EASIER MORNINGS - make mornings more streamlined by having an organized closet to pick outfits easily.

    3. TAME THE TOY CLUTTER - create a calmer space by corralling toys so that your kids can easily store them away at the end of the day, allowing for the transformation of your home back to an adult zone so you can connect with your significant other in a calm and orderly space.

    4. CHANGE OF SEASONS - transition closets from fall/winter to spring/summer or vice versa, so you don’t have to search through out of season clothing to find something to wear.

    5. CLEAN AND ORGANIZED CAR - make your commute more pleasurable by having a decluttered, organized and clean car.

    6. CREATE A HOME OFFICE - maybe you are starting a home based business and need to transform a space in your home to support your efforts.

    7. PAPERWORK SYSTEMS - it’s tax time! Paperwork got you down? Establish a filing system that stands the test of time.

    8. GROWING FAMILY - Are you having or adopting a baby soon? An organized nursery is a game changer to ease the transition to parenthood and support your growing family.

    9. PREP FOR THE HOLIDAYS -  an organized and decluttered pantry allows you to make those holiday favorite treats and actually enjoy the process because you can find what you need.

    10. GARAGE ORGANIZATION - is your garage a disorganized mess? Creating organized storage systems not only makes life easier, but also increases the chances that you can fit your car in the garage. Win win!

    11. UPCOMING MOVE - is there a move in your future? Editing your belongings down to only what you need, love and use will make getting settled in your new home infinitely easier.

    12. GROWING KIDS - are your kids growing like weeds and closets and drawers a cluster of sizes that may or may not fit anymore? Streamlining kids wardrobes down to only what is in season and fits them right now reduces decision fatigue.


    1. INSTAGRAM - Look for professional organizers to follow and get inspired by the organized and styled spaced they create. Follow Simplify Studio Professional Organizing for tips and inspo on all things organizing and interior styling.

    2. BLOGS - organizational blog posts can really get you motivated to get organized. Check out the Simplify Studio Blog and see our posts on decluttering and organizing. Another great blog is The Spruce - check out the article on upcoming organizing trends that we were featured in.

    3. PINTEREST - have fun creating an organizational vision for your space. Pinterest is an incredible resource for decluttering motivation and organizing inspiration.

    4. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES - Real Simple, Martha Stewart and countless others are great sources for organizing motivation. Check your local library and bookstore for organizing book resources, as well.

I hope that these resources and tips help to move the needle on your organizational goals! Remember, if tackling your home organizing project on your own, start small and each project you complete will build the momentum to keep organizing and decluttering. If you live in North Carolina, let our Charlotte and Raleigh professional organizing teams take getting your home organized and decluttered off your plate! Connect with us and we will schedule your free video consultation to learn more about your project and share how we can help. Good luck with your organizational journey and we are always here to support you!


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